Japanese green teas

Japanese Green Tea – Matcha and More…

Two of the leading global green tea producers are China and Japan. The Chinese introduced tea to Japan in the seventh century, and since then, tea has become a significant part of Japanese culture and traditions.

Over the centuries, the Japanese developed ways of producing and preparing tea, which led to the creation of two sub-categories of green tea: Chinese and Japanese. In my previous post about tea, I mentioned the different types of tea and how Chinese teas are generally made.

Japanese green teas tend to be milder and floral as the leaves are dried through a steaming process, which causes green tea to have mildly floral and umami flavours with hints of seaweed, grass, and herbs notes.
Some of the most well-known types are Sencha, Matcha, and Gyokuro. With their specific flavours and textures, they became appreciated worldwide, and currently, Japan is the number two green tea exporter in the world, after China, with approx. $67 million US dollars in exports in 20191.

Japanese green tea and some of its categories.


Almost 80% of tea harvested in Japan is used for Sencha tea. The plant is typically cultivated in southern Japan, predominantly in the Shizuoka, Kyushu, Miyazaki, and Kagoshima provinces. Japan’s most famous tea type is usually enjoyed during and after meals.
Japan uses many different cultivars of Camellia sinensis, each with different characteristics and flavour profiles. The most popular is Yabukita, which is used for green tea production.
Another important factor to consider is the soil conditions used for growing tea. Ideally, the soil should be well-draining, have good aeration and moisture retention, and allow enough space for the roots to grow.


Only young new leaves are harvested between late April and early May. After that, they are withered and dried naturally. The leaves do not undergo any process of oxidation, which is similar to the Chinese way of making green tea but with one significant difference.

The Chinese pan-fire the leaves to prevent oxidation. The Japanese primarily use the steaming process, which lasts 15 seconds to about 2 minutes. This results in different flavour profiles with more floral, seaweed, grass, and umami aromas.
For instance, a lightly steamed Sencha—known as asamushi—is usually pale and has a light, delicate taste. Fukamushi, deep-steamed Sencha, for 1 to 2 minutes, often has a richer flavour and colour.
After the leaves are steamed, they are rolled into fine needle shapes, which is typical for Japanese teas2.

Sencha serving method

The preferred way to serve Sencha is by boiling it in water.
We need a cup(s) and an empty teapot – kyusu; pour the water a few times back and forth between them, so ideally, the temperature can drop to 70°C to 80°C (162F – 180F). It makes the water temperature more stable, lowers the temperature, brings more oxygen into the water, and warms the brewing and drinking vessels, allowing them to maintain the suggested brewing and serving temperatures.

After the teacup and the water reach the right temperature, add the tea to the teapot; the suggested amount per 100 ml water is 1 tablespoon.
Cover it with hot water.
Brewing time – Deep steamed Sencha requires a shorter brewing time – 0.40 sec – 1.20 min., and lightly steamed – 1.00 – 1.30 minutes.
Sencha can be re-steeped 3-5 times; for the 3rd time or more, increase the brewing time between 3-5 minutes and the water temperature by 5-10 degrees.
Stain, pour, and enjoy!

Hohin’s method of brewing green tea.

Types of Sencha teas

Sencha teas are categorized based on origin and time of harvest, and all of them are different in some way. The well-known matcha tea probably stands on its own because of its unique preparation and brewing.

Matcha Tea

Matcha Scoop
CC BY-SA 4.0

Matcha is an unoxidized green tea with earthy, savoury aromas and a distinct umami flavour. It is a sub-category of green tea. It differs in the unique way of cultivating – high-grade matcha is grown in almost complete darkness, manufacturing, and preparation.


Matcha grows only in four specific geographic regions in Japan: Uji, Fukuoka, Nishio, and Shizuoka.

Specifically, the matcha from Nishio City in Aichi Prefecture and Uji City in Kyoto Prefecture are generally considered the top-producing areas, accounting for 80% of all the matcha produced in Japan today. China and Taiwan also have matcha, but Japan’s made one is generally preferred.
In growing tea, a unique method of shading the plants from the sun is used during the last three weeks before harvest. It is a critical first step in producing matcha, and it accomplishes two important things:

  1. It increases the chlorophyll in the leaves, slowing photosynthesis and giving them their deep, green colour. It also increases the chlorophyll and amino acid content, providing quality matcha with its distinct flavour.
  2. It stops the plant from producing the Catechin chemical, which is responsible for the astringency of the tea. As a result, we can consume the tea in powdered form. If we ground regular leaves into a powder, we will see an increased astringency aftertaste.

Interestingly, this method was accidentally discovered when Japanese tea farmers covered the leaves to prevent them from freezing in the winter.

Picking the leaves is a laborious process done by experienced pickers. Only the youngest two leaves at the top, the two at the tip of the shoot, are picked.
To prevent oxidation of leaves, they are steamed to preserve colour and nutrients; after they go through these two processes, the stems and veins are removed, and we are left with dry tea leaves called “Tencha” – unground matcha.
These leaves are then ground by specialized granite grinding wheels, a relatively slow process that takes about an hour in the dark to protect the nutrients.
By definition, only using a stone mill during manufacturing can lead to authentic matcha. The final product is not considered a Matcha if any other method is used.
Note: Matcha is a blend of varietals of the tea plant, as higher grades have fewer varietals. When you buy matcha, look for a bright green—a bright lime-like colour.


The grinding of the leaves contributes to our being able to drink the whole leaf instead of infusing the water with tea leaves. This is also one of the reasons, besides the cultivation method, matcha has relatively higher caffeine and a higher level of antioxidants, such as polyphenols, than other green teas.
Another important part of matcha’s chemical composition is the combination of Caffeine and L-theanine. One is a stimulant in the other green teas, and the other is an amino acid with a calming effect. This means the combination of the two produces the energy effect without the jitters of the caffeine3.

The water temperature is another important factor to consider regarding the effect of caffeine on us. If we look at the chart, we will see that the caffeine is extracted much faster at a higher temperature.
The FDA puts the amount of caffeine that doesn’t generally cause adverse side effects at around 400 mg/day. They don’t have a recommended level for children! The less, the better, I guess. Sorry kids!

This is only a suggested caffeine level, and its effects depend on other factors (body weight, personal tolerance, medications, etc.
Typically, it can take 4 to 6 hours for your body to metabolize half of your consumption.


Ceremonial Grade – highest quality and the most expensive one.
Premium Grade – medium quality used and more reasonably priced one.
Culinary/ Cooking Grade – the cheapest for cooking and baking.

Traditional tools used in Matcha preparation

• Bamboo whisk (chasen) – for frothing or milk frother
• Ceramic Bowl (Chawan) – Deep cups used to keep the tea hot – latte cup
• Teapot (Kyusu) – Made up of cast iron. It is used to keep the purity of the brew or a regular teapot is used in combination with a thermometer
• Sifter (Furui) – Made up of mesh metal and is used to make a smoother and frothier bowl of tea
• Bamboo Spoon (Chashaku) – a wooden spoon used for stirring
• Tea Container (Netsume) – A small, lidded jar
• Thermometer – For determining the right temperature 4.

It is an easy way of making matcha at home without the traditional tools.
You will need:

Teacup – like for a latte
Use a milk frother or bamboo whisk, a small filter, and a wooden spoon for stirring.

2 tsp matcha
2 tsp cool water

Put matcha in a teacup
Pour the cool water and whisk until frothy and smooth
Add 1 cup of boiling water
Whisk again
Note: if you want matcha to be frothier, use a sifter before putting it into the teacup.

Also, check Angel Wong’s YouTube video on how to make matcha.


Gyokuro is a Japanese green tea known as jewel dew tea or precious dew tea and is technically considered a Sencha tea by many experts. It is mainly produced in Uji – Kyoto Prefecture and Yame – Kyushu. The green tea leaves are covered for three weeks before harvest, which results in a tea with a high level of umami, lower astringency, rich taste, and distinctive aroma similar to nori seaweed.


The tea has a sweet flavour and brews into a light green hue. It should be brewed one and a half times the average per serving. The tea should be steeped in water above 140 degrees Fahrenheit to avoid bitter flavours.
Warm your teacup with hot water before steeping the tea to maintain a proper drinking temperature for the best results.
It has 120mg of caffeine—one of the highest levels of caffeine in tea, higher than coffee—and contains L-tianmine, an amino acid that buffers some of the adverse effects of caffeine.
Note: The plants use caffeine as a defensive mechanism; it is produced mainly by younger leaves and not by older ones.
That’s one reason green teas, like bancha, have different levels of caffeine depending on the stage of the leaves.


Tencha used to be only the first step in making matcha, but it is also consumed as tea these days. In the past, it was only a step in producing matcha tea.


Shincha(new tea) is the first harvest of the season. It has a refreshing taste and low catechin and caffeine levels, making it less bitter.
As per old tradition, if one drinks tea picked up on February 04, the 88th day from the beginning of the spring, one will enjoy good health and spirits throughout the year.


Bancha Sencha is harvested from more mature leaves during the second flush of the season, which typically occurs in summer and early fall.
Usually, it has a more robust flavour and less caffeine.


Genmaicha green tea is a Japanese creation that blends green tea leaves with brown rice. The reason was to preserve the tea and make it last longer.
The result is savoury green tea with nutty and mild coffee notes. The popped rice kernels also help balance bitter notes if you steep the tea too long. The grains also create a fuller body and mildly creamy texture.


Kabusecha is sencha grown in the shade, similar to Gyokuro, but it is covered only seven days before the harvest. Since the plants are covered, it increases amino acids and contributes to their distinctive flavour.
Kabusecha Sencha has a mellower flavour and a more subtle colour than Sencha has grown in direct sunlight.


Kamairicha is pan-fried red tea.


Hojicha is made by roasting sencha or any other green tea. It is roasted on a pan at 200° and cooled immediately. The roasting process causes the caffeine to change to a gaseous form, significantly reducing its content in the final product.


Fukamushi – steamed twice as long as sencha, with a more robust flavour and darker colour.

Chinese green teas


Jasmine Green Tea
Jasmine green tea is a flavoured tea that blends green tea leaves with delicate jasmine flowers. The flower petals add a sweet aroma and a floral bouquet to the tea. You can find these teas scented with jasmine oils or real jasmine flowers. Look for Jasmine Pearl Green Tea for the prettiest green tea—the leaves and flower petals are delicately rolled into balls that unfurl when brewing.
Most jasmine green teas come from the Fujian Province in China and have sweet, floral notes. These notes contrast nicely with the vegetal and herbaceous flavours of the green tea leaves since these are generally Chinese green teas with more robust earthy notes and less umami flavour. 

CC BY-SA 3.0

Gunpowder Green Tea
Gunpowder Green Tea is a Chinese tea named for its appearance. The green tea leaves are tightly rolled into balls that give off a gunpowder-like appearance. This packaging method allows these teas to be stored longer than other green tea types. The dense pellets bloom like flowers when steeped in water and can be re-steeped several times. The flavour is robust, with earthy notes and a roasted flavour. 

Longjing cultivars
CC BY-SA 4.0

Longjing Tea 
This green tea, also known as Dragon Well tea, boasting roasted flavours, is a popular Chinese variety. There are six different grades of Longjing green tea, rated using a number system, with one being the highest quality. High-quality Longjing teas contain amino acids and chlorophyll that lend great flavour. The flavour of Longjing is sweet and rounded and can be described as mild or mellow. Depending on the quality of the Longjing tea, you will find vegetal flavours with nut and buttery hints. Longjing has to come from the Zhejiang province in China to be accepted as authentic.5.

Brewing difference between Chinese and Japanese green teas

Both types of green tea have a light body that brews into a pale yellow or light green colour. Teas have a complex flavour profile produced by interacting their chemical composition ( catechin, polyphenols, and tannins) with high-temperature water. Still, this process also introduces bitterness in the final result. One way to diminish the astringency effect is to use the proper water temperatures to brew the tea.

The suggested temperature for Chinese teas is between 170 and 180°F, and for the Japanese is between 140 – 180°F.

Steeping time varies based on the type but generally is between 1 and 3 minutes.
Another way to improve the flavour of our cup of tea is to avoid brewing green tea with tap water. Tap water contains chemicals and preservatives like chlorine that can affect the taste of the tea.


  1. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1167052/main-export-countries-for-green-tea-worldwide/#:~:text=China%20was%20the%20leading%20exporter,around%2066.82%20million%20U.S.%20dollars
  2. https://senchateabar.com/blogs/blog/sencha-green-tea#:~:text=Contrastingly%2C%20Japanese%20teas%20like%20Sencha,also%20characteristic%20of%20Japanese%20teas.
  3. https://www.sugimotousa.com/blog/caffeine-in-green-tea
  4. https://www.japanesegreenteain.com/blogs/green-tea-and-health/how-do-you-make-matcha-tea-at-home
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longjing_tea

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