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Try these delicious milkshake recipes. They are easy to make, suitable for any time of the day, and most do not require special equipment.
I named this post “Milkshake Recipes Part 2” because part one got a bit too long, and I decided to open a new posting to make it easier to review the recipes.
Serving 4 ppl.
Morning Milkshake
1 cup milk
1 medium carrot *
4 tablespoons sugar
Grate the washed carrots finely. Add the milk and sugar, and blend. Serve in highball glasses with no ice.
Note: It depends on the size of the carrot.
Beetroot Juice Cocktail
2 cups milk or yogurt
2 oz freshly squeezed beet juice
4 oz apple juice
sugar or (salt, dill)
Blend yogurt and the juices, sweeten or (use salt), and sprinkle with finely chopped dill.
Apricot Milkshake
6 oz of cold milk
3 oz of apricot nectar or any nectar
Mix, stir, and serve immediately.
Cherry Milkshake
1 cup cherry juice or 2 oz cherry syrup
2 tablespoons sugar
2 cups milk
few whole cherries for garnish
Sweeten the cherry juice with a sugar or syrup blend. Add the milk, stir and serve with a whole cherry for decoration.
Note: If using cherry syrup, skip the sugar.
Espresso Ice Cream
4 scoops of vanilla ice cream
2 oz espresso
5 oz milk
Blend milk with the coffee, pour into chilled glasses and add the ice cream.
Fruity Milk
1 cup strawberry syrup *
1 1/2 cups fresh milk
roasted ground walnuts
whipped cream
Blend until the syrup and milk are well combined. Pour into a chilled glass, top with whipped cream, and sprinkle with walnuts.
Note: Use cherries, raspberries, oranges, etc.
Kefir Milkshakes
Serving 2 ppl
Kefir Cocktail
5 oz of chilled kefir
3 oz of red currant juice *
30 g of sugar – optional
Mix, stir, and serve immediately.
Note: Use a juice of your choice, and I usually skip the sugar.
If you can make your kefir, use it instead of the store-bought one.
Raspberry Kefir
4 oz of chilled kefir
1 oz of raspberry syrup
a pinch of cinnamon
Mix, stir or blend and serve.
Kefir Orange Cream
7 oz kefir
3 oz orange juice
3 oz rosehip syrup
2 slices of orange
Blend everything and serve with a slice of orange for garnish.
Kefir Pink Cream
5 oz kefir
2 oz cottage cheese
5 tbsp jam – red currant jam or blackberries
Blend everything and serve in a wide-balloon type of glass with a spoon.
Pears and Walnuts
2 cups milk
4 pears
3 oz pear juice (or pear compote juice)
toasted walnuts
Peel the pears, mix with the juice and puree everything. Blend with milk and pour the finished drink into 4 highball glasses.
Garnish with toasted walnuts.
Ice Cream Milkshake Recipes
Serving 4 ppl.
Pine Needles Ice Cream Milk Shake
3 scoops of ice cream
5 oz cold orange juice
2 oz raspberry syrup
20 -30 pine or fir needles ** – make sure they are the edible type
Grind 20-30 pine needles in a mortar, along with the raspberry syrup. Then, remove the needles and pour the syrup on the bottom of the highball cups in a thin stream over the blade of a knife or the back of a spoon.
In the same way, carefully pour cold orange juice into glasses to avoid mixing the two layers. Put ice cream on top and decorate with small pine twigs. Serve with a straw.
Note: As far as I know, don’t use needles from the following varieties – Lodgepole Pine, Monterey Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Norfolk Pine (Australian Pine), Loblolly Pine, and Common Juniper. Double-check if any pine or fir needles are edible before using them. The best way here is to use Pine tea mixed with raspberry syrup.
Raspberry Ice Cream
4 scoops of ice cream
3 oz raspberry syrup *
5 oz carbonated water
In highball cups, add syrup, mix the chilled soda water and top with ice cream.
Note: Substitute with a syrup of choice.
Raspberry Ice Cream 2
2 oz raspberry syrup
3 cups cold milk
8 scoops of vanilla ice cream
a handful of raspberries,
mineral water
Mix syrup with milk and pour halfway into chilled glasses. Add two balls of ice cream and mineral water to each glass.
Garnish with raspberries.
Strawberry Ice Cream
1/2 cup chopped strawberries
4 scoops of ice cream
4 teaspoons sugar
2 cups milk
Mix the strawberries, milk, and sugar in a blender. Pour it into highball cups and a scoop of ice cream on top.
Cobbler servings are for 5 people.
Apple Cobbler
1 1/2 cup apple juice
2 oz cherry syrup
2oz lemon juice
1 cup chopped apples, cherries, and plum compote
In tall glasses filled to 2/3 of their volume with ice, pour the juices, add the fruit, and mix gently with a spoon to not crush the finely chopped fruit. Serve with a straw and a teaspoon. Garnish with thin slices of apple (cherries or pitted plums).
Apricot Cobbler
2 cups of apricot nectar
2 oz of lemon juice
1 cup of finely sliced apricots
In Collins glasses, filled to 2/3 of their volume with ice, pour the mixture of juices and syrup, add the apricots, and mix gently with a spoon so as not to crush the fruit. Serve with a straw and a teaspoon. Garnish with fresh or apricot compote.
Cherry Cobbler
300 ml of cherry nectar, 100 ml of lemon juice, 100 ml of sugar syrup, 250 g of cherries
In Collins glasses, filled to 2/3 of their volume with ice, pour the mixture of juices and syrup, add the cherries and mix gently with a spoon. Serve with a straw and a teaspoon. Garnish with cocktail cherries or compote cherries. Cherry compote can be used instead of nectar; no sugar syrup is added.
Rainbow Cobbler
1 cup pineapple juice
2 oz cherry syrup
7 oz orangeade
1 cup pineapple slices
Pour the juice and syrup mixture into tall glasses filled to 2/3 of their volume with ice. Add the fruit and mix gently with a spoon. Dilute with the orangeade and serve with a straw and a teaspoon. Garnish with pineapple slices.
Frappé – Frozen Milkshakes
Frappé^ drinks are coffee-based, made with instant Nescafe or espresso, sugar, water, and ice. In some places, such as Bulgaria, the water is replaced with Coke.
In many places, Frappe can also refer to frozen smoothie drinks or drinks where coffee is replaced with juices, hot chocolate, or teas. The recipes below are more of the Frappe smoothie variety.
Serving for 2 ppl.
Chocolate Frappé
4 scoops of ice cream
3 spoons of sweetened cocoa powder
3 oz liquid cream
Mix the cocoa with some water, add the remaining ingredients and blend. Serve in highball glasses over ice
Peach Frappé
4 scoops of ice cream
5 oz of peach juice or nectar
Blend and serve with highball glasses.
Pineapple Frappé
4 scoops of ice cream
3 oz pineapple juice or compote
2 oz carbonated water
Blend the ice cream with pineapple juice. Pour into chilled glass. Add the sparkling water and stir with a spoon.
Strawberry Frappé
4 scoops of vanilla ice cream,
2 oz sugar syrup
1/2 cup sliced strawberries
1 1/2 oz liquid cream
Mash the strawberries to puree, add the remaining ingredients and blend. Serve over ice.
For frozen drinks, blend with ice.
The Julep recipes are nonalcoholic but can easily be converted to an alcoholic version by adding the liquor of choice.
Apricot Julep
2 servings
9 oz apricot nectar
1 1/2 lemon juice
3/4 oz mint syrup
1 apricot
Shake well with ice and serve over crushed ice in cups decorated with apricot halves.
Jungle Juice Cocktail
4 servings
5 oz unsweetened pineapple juice
2 1/2 oz freshly squeezed lemon juice
5 oz pomegranate nectar
4 drops of Angostura
8 ice cubes
1 3/4 cup of mineral water
4 pieces of pineapple
Place 2 ice cubes in highball glasses. Mix the juices with ice, strain, and pour into the glasses evenly. Add a drop of Angostura and a little mineral water. Stir with a long-handled spoon. Fill the glasses with mineral water and decorate them with pieces of pineapple.
Italian Julep
5 servings
7 oz tomato juice
13/4 oz lemon juice
salt, pepper
15 sprigs of mint
It is prepared in old-fashioned glasses. At the bottom of each cup, put two sprigs of mint, salt, and pepper and rub gently with a spoon. Fill the glass with finely crushed ice to 2/3 of its volume, pour the remaining ingredients and stir vigorously with a spoon. Decorate with a sprig of mint.
Lemon Julep
2 servings
1 cup lemon juice
2 oz mint syrup
2 lemon slices
Shake with ice well and serve over crushed ice in cups decorated with a slice of lemon.
Mint Julep
4 servings
1 1/2 oz lemon juice
4 oz mint syrup
chilled mineral water
8 fresh mint leaves
4 slices of lemon
The mint leaves are chopped and placed in the cocktail glasses with finely crushed ice. Pour the mint syrup and lemon juice on top. Stir and top up with mineral water. Garnish with a lemon slice.
Strawberry Julep
2 servings
6 sprigs of fresh mint
4 teaspoons of sugar
2 1/2 oz of strawberry juice
1 1/2 oz of lemon juice
3/4 oz of strawberry syrup
4 strawberries
It is prepared in old-fashioned glasses. At the bottom of each cup, put two sprigs of mint and sugar and rub gently with a spoon. Fill the glass with finely crushed ice to 2/3 of its volume, pour the remaining ingredients and stir vigorously with a spoon. Garnish with strawberries and a sprig of mint.
Vanilla Julep
5 servings
5 oz vanilla syrup,
7 oz liquid cream
3 tbsp sugar
15 sprigs of freshly picked mint
It is prepared in old-fashioned glasses. At the bottom of each cup, put two sprigs of mint and sugar and rub gently with a spoon. Fill the glass with finely crushed ice to 2/3 of its volume. Shake well vanilla syrup and cream. Strain, pour over the crushed ice and stir vigorously with a spoon. Decorate with a sprig of mint.
Photo by Clarissa Carbungco on Unsplash